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Making my bot search duckduckgo

by pranavlal posted Feb 25 2017, 4:49

Hi all,
I have created a public bot called cisobot. It answers questions on information security. I want it to search duckduck go if it does not know an answer. I have created the first version of this bot in a language called quorom which is similar to java. However, I am trying to move the bot to botlibre. Right now, if the bot does not something it says "unknown" when my program sees this response, it searches duckduckgo for a response. If that fails, the bot asks the user to talk about information security. How do I implement the search functionality in botlibre?

by admin posted Feb 25 2017, 7:13
To search duckduckgo you will want to create a Self script in your bot to access the duckduckgo web API.


Using a published web API is recommended, if the website does not provide a web API it is also possible to use HTML scraping.

If you want the bot to perform this function when it does not know a good response, you can add a srai or redirect() command to your bot's default response.

To do this set your bot's default response to this template,

Template("{redirect ("search duckduckgo " + sentence)}")

Then in your script you have...

pattern "search duckduckgo *" answer searchDuckduckgo();

function searchDuckduckgo() {...}

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Id: 15590450
Posted: Feb 25 2017, 4:49
Replies: 1
Views: 1739, today: 1, week: 6, month: 6
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