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FAQ : How to use pattern or wildcard responses

RE: How to use pattern or wildcard responses

by pleabargain posted Nov 23 2016, 7:38

here is my basic chat bot


I used the sample code from above:

Pattern("* hockey *")
I love hockey, it is the best sport.

but I got error:

Pattern must end with ')' character - Pattern("* hockey *") I love hockey, it is the best sport.

here is the video showing my tests


Please explain why copying and pasting sample code from the forum/docs fails in the chat engine.

thank you


Id: 14731584
Posted: Nov 23 2016, 7:38
Updated: Nov 23 2016, 9:26
Replies: 0
Views: 4022, today: 1, week: 4, month: 23
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